January Recap

Hello 2024! This year has already been off to an eventful start. I knew this year was going to be good, and last month was proof of that!

We rung in the new year at home with hot pot, which was so delicious and comforting in this cold weather! Last month, I spent a lot of time training for my Strongfirst kettlebell level 2 certification and sprinkled some time with friends as well! It can’t be all work and no play!

My certification was in San Diego, which was so convenient because it’s close by. (Fun fact – every Strongfirst certification I’ve taken has always been in a different state so I was beyond excited to attend one in California.) I had a friend taking the level 1 certification so she was already down there. I took Amtrak down to San Diego for the first time! I can’t remember if I’ve taken Amtrak as a child, but any way, it was nice not having to drive through traffic and being able to nap and read on the ride there!

I was definitely nervous throughout that weekend of the certification. All the attendees and instructors were very nice and helpful so that made me feel more at ease. I also barely made weight when I had to weigh in at the start of the workshop. Had I been .1 lb heavier, I would’ve had to press a heavier kettlebell lol. Fortunately, I made weight, passed my heavy press on the second try, and completed 100 snatches in record time! That was a huge relief. The rest of the time we learned new skills, drills, and tested out. I officially renewed my level 2 certification, and my friend passed her level 1 certification! We were both so ecstatic and relieved.

When I originally signed up to re-certify, I was bummed because I had to take the whole workshop again, but I’m glad I did! I learned new things, reviewed the movements, improved the level 2 skills, met some amazing people, and made new memories. Passing my certification again set the tone for the rest of the year, and I’m so excited to see what else I’ll accomplish in 2024!

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