As a trainer, I have sessions throughout my day and not everyday is the same. I live by my Google calendar, and now that I am working virtually from home, there have been more distractions to combat. It’s been nearly a year of WFH, and after some trial and error and a lot of discipline, I have found ways to stay productive and focused while working from home. Here are some tricks I’ve discovered:
- Schedule Out Your Day – I put all my sessions on my Google calendar and also schedule in my breaks, meals, workouts, etc. It really helps me stay on top of my daily schedule! I also know if I start straying away from my calendar, then I need to reel it back in.
- Make A To Do List – I love using my planner and writing out the main tasks I want to do that day. Stick to 3 – 5 important tasks. I’ve had a bad habit of putting too many tasks and then feeling like I failed when I didn’t do them all. Also do the tasks you dread the most first – get it out of the way. I notice when I get it out of the way then I actually get it done, and don’t procrastinate.
- Use An App To Block Out Distractions/Turn Off Apps – There are some apps that are able to block out or limit your time on distracting apps like social media. Set a time limit or even uninstall/log out of the apps so you’re not tempted to use it. Before bed, I sign out of Instagram and don’t sign on until I’m done with my morning tasks the following day. I’ve also turned off notifications so they’re not constantly popping up on my phone.
- Work Away From Your Room – I’m so guilty of working in my room on my bed or bench. I have accidentally fallen asleep while working because I was too comfortable. Try working in your living room or any room that isn’t filled with distractions. It’s better to keep your room and work space separate. It will also help you sleep more easily and soundly at night.
Create A Workspace – I use the table in our living room to type up blogs, create workouts, etc. I make sure everything is neat, put on some of my favorite work music (such as Lofi), and then set my timer for 30 minutes to an hour of focused work. Having a nice atmosphere helps with productivity.