Lessons I’ve Learned From Training

I started my own fitness journey in 2013 and have been a personal trainer since 2016. The more I train myself and my clients, the more I realize how training can apply to everyday life. Here are some lessons I’ve learned in training that have helped me in my life:

  1. Consistency is key!
    • Any goals you want to achieve requires consistency. Do a little bit each day, and I promise you’ll make huge strides in the long run.
  2. Patience is a virtue.
    • Sometimes we want things done quickly or when we want them done, and that’s not always the case. Be patient and keep going. Just because you haven’t achieved it now, doesn’t mean you won’t achieve it later.
  3. There will be good days and bad days.
    • Not everyday will be a great day, and that’s okay. Show up any way!
  4. You won’t always be motivated.
    • We think those who are motivated are motivated all the time, but that’s not true. They have bad days too, yet they’re focused on their goals and do what they can that day to get closer to their goals.
  5. Do your best!
    • When all else fails, do your best. If you’ve done your best, then you won’t feel bad or guilty because you know you’ve given it your all.
  6. Trust the process.
    • Trust yourself and your journey. Obstacles may arise but trust that you will overcome them.
  7. It’s okay to ask for help and support.
    • If you have a question or need help and support, then reach out to a friend or find a mentor. We’re all in this together.
  8. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” (African proverb)
    • Having a coach or mentor can help you reach new heights. If I didn’t train with other trainers or work with my life coach Diane, I wouldn’t be as successful or skilled as I am now!
  9. Drop the comparison game.
    • Don’t compare yourself to others! We are all unique and special. In addition, you can’t compare your day 1 with someone’s day 1000.
  10. Have fun with it!
    • Don’t be so serious! Have some fun with it, be in the moment, and enjoy where you are now in this process!

I hope you found this week’s post to be helpful! For more tips, sign up for my weekly newsletter, and follow me on social media! 

  • Instagram: movewithmarie
  • Facebook: facebook.com/move.with.marie18
  • Youtube: movewithmarie
  • Tiktok: movewithmarie

If you are interested in training, I offer 1 on 1 in person and virtual training as well as online training programs. Please fill out the consultation form or email me at move.with.marie18@gmail.com

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