Myofascial Release

What does this fancy term mean and why is it important? 


First and foremost, fascia is connective tissue which holds and supports your muscles and other internal organs. Imagine an orange, and inside the orange are the white pieces which surround, hold, and connect the orange slices together. Similarly, this is how fascia works in our bodies. 


To keep our fascia moving well so our muscles can also move well, we must stay hydrated and keep our fascia loose and limber. Through myofascial release, we can break up any tension or tightness that may be limiting your range of motion. One form of myofascial release is massage. However, with the pandemic, this may be more challenging. You can do self-myofascial release with tools such as the foam roller or handheld massage device like the Hypervolt. Here are some of my favorite myofascial release tools.


  • Foam Roller/Trigger Point Roller – Start out with the foam roller if you’re just starting out. The more dense it is, the more pressure it will be when you roll out your muscles. 

  • Trigger Point Ball/Lacrosse Ball/Golf Ball – You can use the ball to pinpoint specific spots. Again, the more dense the ball, the more pressure there will be on your muscles. 

  • HyperVolt – I have one and absolutely love it! It has different attachments and 3 different speeds. It’s great for getting hard to reach places. The newer ones are more advanced and now have an app with videos on how to massage certain muscles. 

Typically I foam roll prior to a workout to warm up, get blood flowing, and improve my range of motion. You can also foam roll after a workout in case you are feeling tightness. I have also started incorporating it into my night time routine as a way to relax and unwind.


Remember there are more than just bones and muscles in your body. Our fascia is equally as important to all our other body parts. Engaging in myofascial release will help you move better so you can move more.

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