New Year’s Goals

Happy New Year, and hello 2021! I don’t think any of us have looked forward to any year more than we have 2021, am I right? We are all very hopeful that things will turn around and work out for the better this year. I am very optimistic about the future and truly believe what we went through in 2020 will help us become better and more compassionate people. I achieved, learned, and grew a lot last year. I am very eager and excited to seize 2021, do more, and become even better than ever! Here is a list of what I’d like to accomplish this year. Listing this will also help hold me accountable and remember what I’m working for. 

  • Strongfirst Kettlebell Level 2 – I’m currently training for this with my two very good friends, Courtney and Taylor. We plan to take the workshop at the end of April in Chicago!

  • Earn more continuing education credits – As trainers, we need to earn these to keep our certifications. It’s also a nice way to learn different aspects of training and elevate your training game!

  • Play more piano – I have a keyboard, and I’d love to play more consistently! 

  • Build muscle while staying lean – Ideally I want to get to 20% body fat while keeping as much muscle and lean definition as possible. 

  • Travel – Even if it’s to national parks or within the states – I really want to explore more!

  • Learn more – whether it’s from a podcast, online class, or reading!

  • Try different outdoor activities – I’ve been wanting to try new things, and snowboarding and surfing are some of them!

  • Cook different recipes – I started cooking more in 2020 and got very creative with my HelloFresh kits. I hope to continue that into 2021.

  • Try out new foods and restaurants – I’m hoping dining in is open soon so I can try out all these awesome food spots in LA. 

  • Socialize more – I hope to hang out with my friends, meet new people, and get back into the dating scene. 

  • Create Youtube content and livestreams – I want to be more consistent in posting Youtube videos and more livestreams! I think it’d be fun posting a variety of content and have people get to know me better!

  • Handstands and splits – These are 2 random fitness feats I’d like to accomplish this year! 

  • Grow my business further – As always, my goal is to have my business boom and thrive even more than it ever has!


I have big dreams and goals, and 2021 will be filled with more opportunities for me to achieve them and grow as a person. Here’s to new hope and possibilities!

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