When it comes to nutrition, I’m a creature of habit and generally meal prep the same things. (Aside from the weekly cheat meal which varies and is so good for the soul!) Here are some ways to spice up your meals:
- Throw out expired food – I’m guilty for this, but sometimes I don’t finish food before it goes bad, and it just sits in my refrigerator. Look through your items and see what needs to be thrown out.
- Clean your refrigerator – Wiping down the inside of your fridge and washing the shelves and drawers inside can help keep it clean and smelling fresh.
- Add baking soda to your refrigerator – I open a baking soda and leave it in my fridge to keep it fresh! I change it out once a month.
- Change your water filter – I occasionally forget to change out the filter, so be mindful in replacing it time to time so your water is purified!
- Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables – Head to your local farmer’s market and buy produce you don’t usually buy! You can even buy food you haven’t eaten in a while or haven’t tried from the store!
- Find new recipes to try – I love seeing recipes on Instagram and Pinterest! It gets me out of my comfort zone of the same recipes and allows me to be more creative in the kitchen! You can even try food deliveries like HelloFresh if you want to try new recipes as well!
- Try new foods and restaurants – On the weekends, I love going out and trying new restaurants I’ve stumbled on Instagram. It’s fun getting out and exploring new cities and restaurants!